Burden of Musculoskeletal DISEASES in the United States

  • Statistics showing musculoskeletal diseases which include back pain, arthritis, bodily injuries, and osteoporosis, are reported by persons in the U.S., more than any other health condition in the U.S. Further, musculoskeletal Diseases Cost $796.3 billion dollars in 2011, 5.7% of the annual GDP.

Chiropractic Benefits within the veteran population

  • This study provides evidence that spinal manipulation for low back pain among veterans was effective and offered a conservative management option to combat the increasing prevalence of, and costs associated with, LBP among veterans receiving care within the Veteran Hospital Association.

Chiropractic benefits within the geriatric population

  • This study provides evidence that spinal manipulation is beneficial for older adults in the important areas of self-rated health and daily living function.

  • Research and benefits of chiropractic in geriatrics video animation.